Our history
In May 2015, the Victorian Government appointed a Complex Adult Victorian Sex Offender Management Review Panel, led by the Honourable David Harper AM, to review the management of serious sex offenders under the post sentence scheme.
The review was delivered on 27 November 2015, and it made 35 recommendations, all of which proposed significant reform to the post sentence scheme and were accepted in principle by the Victorian Government. The complete report is available here - Review of post-sentence supervision scheme for serious sex offenders (External link). (External link)
The Post Sentence Authority (the Authority) was established on 27 February 2018 as a new statutory authority charged with the oversight of Victoria’s most serious sex and serious violent offenders. It replaced the Detention and Supervision Order Division of the Adult Parole Board. In September 2018, the Authority's role was expanded to monitor serious violent offenders under the Serious Offenders Act 2018.
About the Post Sentence Authority
The Authority coordinates a whole-of-government approach that reduces the likelihood of reoffending and improves community safety. We operate in line with the:
- Serious Offenders Act 2018 (External link)
- Charter of Human Rights and Responsibilities Act 2006 (External link)
- Public Administration Act 2004 (External link)
The Authority is a public entity, and members sit and discharge the duties of the Board of the Authority.
The Board of the Authority convenes quarterly to oversee the effective administration of the Authority and consider reports from the Chief Administrative Officer on finance and operations, and the subcommittee Chairs on strategy, risk, and practice.
The Department of Justice and Community Safey (DJCS) provides a Secretariat to assist the Authority. The Chief Administrative Officer leads the Secretariat and works closely with the Integrity, Regulation and Legal Services group of the DJCS to ensure consistency with information technology, corporate governance, finance and regulatory compliance.
The Secretariat supports critical decisions in the oversight of people on post sentence orders in the community, to make it safer for all. It does this by reviewing, assessing and presenting information to the Authority to inform its decision-making. It coordinates the Authority’s hearings and communicates the Authority’s decisions to its stakeholders.
The Secretariat’s operational management of information, data, reporting and technology is critical to the successful functioning of the Authority. It also supports the Authority’s strategic planning, stakeholder engagement and communications, operational policy and project delivery and provides advice on emerging policy issues.